Building WoW Model Viewer is pretty simple : you need SDK to have all required third app / libraries and application sources
Wow Model Viewer SDK
Download SDK here => (provide link to sdk) Unizp it in folder of your choice Launch wmv_sdk.bat by double clicking on it, it will open a prompt like this one (in my example, I have unzipped SDK in c:\wmv_sdk)
You are now ready to compile WoW Model Viewer
WoW Model ViewerGet application sources from Bitbucket : You can use either
In following example, let's consider sources are available in c:\wowmodelviewer (adapt examples depending on your own location) in prompt opened by SDK, move to your source location Code Block |
Create a build directory (cmake recommands what is called "out of sources compilation), and move in Code Block |
| mkdir CMakeBuild
cd CMakeBuild |
Launch CMake generation Code Block |
| cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" ..\src |
Launch compilation Image Added When finished, you should see this (copying all files into installation folder) Image Added You can you go to bin\ folder under your source tree (c:\wowmodelviewer\bin in this example), you have a wowmodelviewer.exe that you can execute