Building on Windows

Building on Windows

 Building WoW Model Viewer is pretty simple : you need SDK to have all required third app / libraries and application sources

Preparing development environment

Clone SDK : hg clone https://bitbucket.org/jeromnimo/wmv_sdk -r 930824b

Install Visual Studio 2013 Community edition (needed to have compile chain on windows, you can uncheck all options) : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=517284

WoW Model Viewer

Get application sources from Bitbucket : https://bitbucket.org/wowmodelviewer/wowmodelviewer

You can use either

In following example, let's consider sources are available in c:\wowmodelviewer (adapt examples depending on your own location)

Edit wmv_set_env.bat file (under sdk directory), updating line as quoted

set WMV_BASE_PATH=D:\Dev\workspace\wowmodelviewer


set WMV_BASE_PATH=c:\wowmodelviewer


Launch wmv_sdk.bat by double clicking on it, it will open a prompt like this one (in my example, I have unzipped SDK in c:\wmv_sdk)

You are now ready to compile WoW Model Viewer (smile)

in prompt opened by SDK, move to your source location


Create a build directory (cmake recommands what is called "out of sources compilation), and move in

mkdir CMakeBuild
cd CMakeBuild

Launch CMake generation

cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ..\src


Launch compilation

nmake install


When finished, you should see this (copying all files into installation folder)


You can you go to bin\ folder under your source tree (c:\wowmodelviewer\bin in this example), you have a wowmodelviewer.exe that you can execute


That's it, simply double click on wowmodelviewer executable and you will use your freshly compiled version of WoW Model Viewer