Building using Eclipse

Building using Eclipse

OUTDATED - do not follow


I will detail here how to use Eclipse IDE in order to build WoW Model Viewer, access source code repository (and push your changes), and also connect your IDE to JIRA, in order to get your tasks.

Eclipse is a multi platform IDE, what is explained here should be available for Windows (tested on both vista and 7), Linux (not tested yet), and Mac OS (not tested yet). If there is some specificities depending on platform used, I will update this page according to.

Before you start, you have to install cmake, mingw and Qt, as explained on this page.


Getting eclipse for WoW Model Viewer development

THis guide is based on "Indigo" version of eclipse. Some point could change depending on version used.

Eclipse can be downloaded here : http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

I recommand Eclipse IDE for Java or Java EE Developers, even if you won't develop at all with Java. I had several problems in the past (I am using Eclipse for several years now), using C++ or classic version.

Just download it and decompress it in the forlder of your choice.

Eclipse is a powerfull IDE that can be extended with a lot of plugins, allowing you to use a large set of languages (C++, bash, python, perl...), several versioning systems (cvs, svn, mercurial, git, etc.), and many tools (JIRA for example).

In order to install a new plugin, just go to Help > Install new software...


In order to develop with C++, you have to install CDT extension. All extensions can be installed through an update site, or directly with archive. I recommand using update sites, that allows you to easily update your installed softwares.

For CDT, simply add an update site, giving the name you want, and using this URL : http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo

In available components listed, install at least CDT Main Features / C/C++ development tools. Once installation is done, simply restart your eclipse. You can now develop in C++ with Eclipse (smile).


To get mercurial management onto Eclipse, add this update site :  http://mercurialeclipse.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/hg.wiki/update_site/stable

Install MercurialEclipse / MercurialEclipse & Windows Binaries for MercurialEclipse. Restart Eclipse, you can now manage a mercurial repository within Eclipse .


Getting source and building application

Clonign Mercurial Repository

Go to New > Project... then choose Mercurial > Clone existing Mercurial Repository

Let fill correct values, as shown below :

Click Next. Wait a few seconds, then choose the branch you want to use. Click Next then click FInish. You have now a new project into your eclipse IDE.


Change C++ settings to build it

Change project's nature

Now, you have a project, let's say to Eclipse that it is a C++ one. Go to File > New > Other...

Under C++ category, choose : Convert to a C/C++ Project (Add C/C++ Nature)

On following window, just choose C++ as type, executable one, and MinGW GCC as toolchain. You are prompted to open "C++ perspective", just say yes. A perspective in eclipse is just a set of usefull windows, depending on language your are using.

Icon beside project name should now looks like this :

Configure CMake generation

Now, you have to add a target to your project, in order to laucnh cmake command, that will generate Makefile. After first build, CMake generation will be launched automatically if one of the CMakeLists.txt is modified, but you will have to launch it manually if you add or remove a file.

Right click on your project, select "Make Targets", then "Create". Fill like shown below (adapt path to your one, is this example, my project is wowmodelviewe_hg, in path c:\Users\jerome\eclipse_wp\, and building dir is CMakeBuild) :

You can now launch Cmake generation inside eclipse : type "shift + F9", select previously created, then click "build".


Configure C++ building

Last step to be able to compile WoW Model Viewer inside Eclipse : create a build target corresponding to our environment.

Right click on your project, then select properties.

Fill opened windows like shown below :

In this window, replace wowmodelviewer_hg by your project name.

Click Apply, then OK.

Go to Project menu, then Build Project. WoW Model Viewer is now built in your computer, resulting compilation can be found in WoWModelViewer folder in your project.